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Our psychologist has listed some of the psychology and counselling related resources that she finds helpful below:

Information about fees and registration bodies:

Medicare:       www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/subjects/medicare-services

Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency www.ahpra.gov.au


Emergency After Hours Contacts:

Lifeline:  www.lifeline.org.au

Beyond Blue:  www.beyondblue.org.au

Other helpful sites and freebies:

www.tarabrach.com Tara's site contains many free resources including guided meditations that you can listen to along with talks that she has given about meditation. 

www.actmindfully.com.au   Russ Harris' web site, contains free templates for worksheets that accompany his books.

www.getselfhelp.co.uk   a self-help website containing literally hundreds of free templates if you are interested in using writing to assist you in your therapy.

www.psychologytools.org/download-audio-therapy-resources.html   free audio recordings to help you in developing a mindfulness practice.

www.fightdementia.org.au contains many important resources if you are caring for a loved one with dementia including free short courses available in your local community.

www.start2talk.org.au an important site if you have just been diagnosed with dementia as it will assist you in future planning with loads of free templates that ensure your decisions are up-held by family members and carers.

www.utas.edu.au/wicking/wca/mooc an awesome web-site, heaps of research, resources and a free on-line course all about understanding dementia. Highly recommended if you are interested in understanding more about this devastating terminal illness.

www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/library our local library where you can find many of the books listed on our recommended reading page.

www.themindseteffect.wordpress.com an informative blog written by a local counsellor that combines facts about mental health with personal stories.

www.palmbeachphysiotherapy.com.au a physiotherapy centre with a difference: they provide a holistic service with a multi-disciplinary approach which means that they have many different qualified specialists available to support you in improving your health and fitness including dieticians and exercise physiologists. 


If you would like to talk to a psychologist, call or text us on 0404 248 576 or send through a confidential email to book an appointment:  Palm Beach, Gold Coast.